Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Heart for the World

"He said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.'" - Mark 16:15

Dear God,
Thank You for the gifts You have placed in me and my child. It brings me great joy to use these gifts for Your glory! Today, I ask that You help me bloom where I am planted. I know that You have divinely positioned me where You want me to be. Lord, help me to use my words, giving, prayers, time, and talents to reach the people that I have audience with. I also ask that You rise up my child to impact his/her social circles for You. Let his/her seeds fall on good soil, so that they may grow and reflect You. Let my child a heart for the world. Protect him/her from the temptation to focus only on the immediate circle of people around him/her. Wherever You lead my child, let my heart have rest in knowing that Your plans are being accomplished in his/her life. All honor, power, and glory to You! Amen.

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