Thursday, August 16, 2012

Taking Root

"He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers." - Psalm 1:3

Dear God,
Thank You for the living water You provide. You are my life source. Help me remember this, especially during the dry spells of life. During those times, allow my already-formed roots to grow even deeper to receive the life-giving water that only You can give. I also ask that You give Adam and I direction in the cultivation of our child. Let us purposefully plant him/her in Your soil, close to the waters You provide. Holy Spirit, help us to educate our child in a godly fashion, so that he/she may yield fruit in season and not wither. Let our child's profession of faith be strong and consistent. Let his/her roots allow him/her to see the work that God has given him/her to do, the power he/she has been given to perform it, and the places and opportunities that have been provided for doing those things. Lastly, God, I ask that our child's roots continue to grow deeper and deeper throughout his/her life. May he/she (with the help of the Holy Spirit) grow stronger in the grace that he/she has already recieved, increase in heavenly desires, and produce much fruit that glorifies You. In Your name, amen!

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