Saturday, September 22, 2012

Use of Words

"Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged." - Colossians 3:21

Dear God,
Thank You for Your Word that continually leads us in the paths of righteousness. I am always convicted by Your wisdom about words and how we use them. Today, I pray that You would set guards over our mouths and minds. Help Adam and I use our words to build up our child, not tear him/her down. Specifically, I pray that You would help us not to be overly harsh in punishment or too critical of our child's behavior. Let our expectations of him/her be appropriate; let us be consistent with our words and actions; and let us praise them enough for jobs well done. When we do fail to allow You to guide our speech and we embitter our child, let us be quick to recognize and seek forgiveness. In situations where others use words to hurt our child, help us to cultivate a heart of forgiveness and restoration in our child. Lord, keep our child's heart pure and encouraged by You and Your teachings. Amen.

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